Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Language Arts Memory

Throughout elementary school I had a reading textbook per grade along with a workbook full of worksheets that went along with the stories. Those worksheets were either grammar based on the story we were reading or comprehension worksheets. That is all I remember. I don't remember specific teachings my teachers taught to actually comprehend what we were reading. We did a lot of SSR too. I also remember going to the Title 1 reading instructor yet in second grade but I did not understand why. As I got older I started to read more chapter books on my own and in middle school I began to hate reading class because I  hated the fact that we had to write papers and answer questions about the books we were reading. If we were having a quiz on a chapter and I got the answer wrong I would get mad because I felt that reading was not about assignments. That these authors did not write these books in order for students to anaylze them like we were doing. If I got an answer wrong I would eventually correct my mistake as I continued reading the book. Part of reading to me is thinking one way about a book, realizing that the book means something completely different and going back yourself to the previous pages and comphrend it on your own. If I said the wrong answer as to what some character did, I would eventually get to part of the book where it contradicts what I thought and I would self-check to make sure it made sense. I would eventually find out what the character really did and I hated that I had to take a quiz to tell me I was wrong in the first place.

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