Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Online Stories

Here is a website that I found a few years ago while looking for something to do with my little cousins. They love watching and listening to these stories over and over again. There is Little Red Riding Hood and Jack & the Beanstalk that were some of their favorites. I thought this was a great way for toddlers and preschoolers to see stories come to life. On the read and write tab, children can do worksheets by a topic like aliens or learn about the word of the week. This website can be used in a PreK-1 classroom as a center option. The children can go on the computer and listen to some stories. To make sure the students comprehended the story, you could have them tell you what the story was all about. For example, there is a story about how Anansi the Spider got long legs. If a student listens to that story, you can ask how did Anansi actually get long legs. I feel like this website is a great tool for a classroom trying to show students how stories can come to life and enhance vocabulary and comprehension on many topics.

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