Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Job Interview Tips


While on Pinterest I found a link to a website that talked about job interview tips for teachers. After reading the article I suddenly began freaking out. Will I be prepared? Will I have to teach myself many new things I am not learning in college? Even though I will  not graduate until next spring, time goes by fast and that means before I know it, I will be looking for a teaching job. I already bought at least five books from Amazon to help me. I got an IEP guide, an RTI book, and a special education resource book plus others. I even just bought an EZ Grader to have. I am so nervous that I won't be able to ace an interview and land a job. I feel like over summer I should start creating a portfolio of sorts of examples of lessons I have done. I do  not know what I will do if I do not have a teaching job  next fall. :-(

Reform Political Cartoon

Here is a political cartoon a teacher from West Haven created. I am part of a group on Facebook called West Haven Federation of Teachers and School Nurses because I am from there. I really like this cartoon because it shows how teachers are truly feeling about this refrom business. There is not much else to say because the cartoon says it all.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Picture Book

When I was younger I use to have my mom read me this story. There was something about it that intrigued me and it was very touching having my mother read it to me as well. It was one of the few bonds I really had with my mom because she was and is not a very emotional person. She doesn't show her feelings unless she is mad so that is probably why this story meant so much to me. I loved that this story showed how naive a child can be because in many ways I was naive so the little bird was in a way like me. When I finally have a child I know that I will always read this book to them since it meant so much to me as a child.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Here are two poems that I wrote when I was in 5th grade. I was obsessed with poetry and rhyming about pretty things! Of the two I think that second is my favorite. I believe this was when I loved the idea of fairies and I think this poem was about fairies in the forest and nature!

Touch of the Sword- September29, 2002
Soon enough I will reach the land
That holds my treasure in a skeleton's hand
My sword awaits me when I finally receive
The passion, the victory, and the hope I believe
Will lead me to a great adventures in my world
Of fighting zombies, ghosts, and many more
Take my life to the touch of the sword
Recreate my past to my time before

The Tree Has A Heart -2001 or 2002
As the sun rises over the  mystical sky
Could you hear in the trees a butterfly?
While that tree stands with all its might
If you jump, try to reach the never-ending height
Breathless spirits hide all day
But at night they begin to pray
Inside the three holds mysterious thoughts
Climb the tree and if it is caught
Soon the sun will set in the West
and that's when tree climbers do their best
When the day comes to a certain hour
At the time you leave, you might feel sour
Though inside you are warm and sweet
Tomorrow, today will repeat.