Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Job Interview Tips


While on Pinterest I found a link to a website that talked about job interview tips for teachers. After reading the article I suddenly began freaking out. Will I be prepared? Will I have to teach myself many new things I am not learning in college? Even though I will  not graduate until next spring, time goes by fast and that means before I know it, I will be looking for a teaching job. I already bought at least five books from Amazon to help me. I got an IEP guide, an RTI book, and a special education resource book plus others. I even just bought an EZ Grader to have. I am so nervous that I won't be able to ace an interview and land a job. I feel like over summer I should start creating a portfolio of sorts of examples of lessons I have done. I do  not know what I will do if I do not have a teaching job  next fall. :-(

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