Monday, February 13, 2012

Reader's Workshop

I envision reader's workshop as a goal in my classroom for the whole year to get students to comprehend what they are reading better. This can be done through a series of mini lessons, conferencing, and journaling. Each mini lesson would consist of a skill that is used to better understand text, with an introduction to a skill, the students will work independently from there on and be assessed on their understand of the skill and their master of the skill through meeting with the students at least once a week about their reading and the skill and by reading their journal entries that are assigned. This gives the teacher the ability to check with each individual and see what are the next steps to take with him or her.The mini lessons must be quick and interesting. I see mini lessons as being just an introduction to a skill that will go into more detail through the journaling and conferencing. The introduction must keep the students' attention in order for them to work independently on their own in the future.

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