Monday, February 27, 2012

Writer's Workshop

I envision writer's workshop in a very similar way to reader's workshop. If a child does not like to read, chances are he/she will not like to write as well. I would try to create mini-lessons in my writer's workshop that tailor to various needs students have when it comes to writing. My goal as a teacher would be to show students that they can overcome their obstacles in writing. I don't want to have my students give up because they can't write a particular way. With their journals, I hope to see improvement in content, fluency, and creativity. I want to stress to them that no one is a great writer overnight, it takes time and effort to become what one feels is a great writer. Conferencing will be used as a way to focus on each individual and their personal improvements for writinig. I would want my students to feel special knowing that time is being put aside for them showing that someone cares about what they write about.

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